Be the first to know.
With real time access to bid documents as they are distributed, cProject can help your company strengthen its competitive advantage.
Say something.
Market your products and services to a target audience at bid time through the chat wall. Make general contractors aware not only of your intent to bid, but also the products you carry specific to the bid at hand.
Stay informed without getting Notification Fatigue.
Too much information can be a bad thing. With job specific bid status updates, you will only receive updates on the bids in which you are currently participating. Delivered in a single, concise format, cProject updates are easy on your eyes and your inbox.
Streamline your project workflow.
From start to finish, track and manage all of your bids and projects in one location from anywhere you have internet access.
Grow your business with more efficiency.
Help maintain and grow your company’s market place presence by having your logo placed directly on bid notifications and bid status updates.
Stay in front of key decision makers.
By building a path to better communication prior to bid time, cProject can help any subcontractor, supplier, or vendor quickly and conveniently network with key decision makers.
See What cProject Users Are Saying
(Don’t just take it from us, let our customers do the talking!)
“I would like to take a moment to let you know how well cProject is working for our company. We really like how the project notifications are delivered throughout the day instead of just once a day. Along with being a very easy system to navigate, cProject has really excelled at filtering out the jobs that are not in our region so it doesn’t fill up our inboxes and cause unproductive time. With the way that last minute addendums and other project documents are released on bid days, it sure makes it easy on everyone involved that information is sent out accurately and in real time. cProject has been, and will continue to be, a very useful tool that will help us track our projects more efficiently and in one location. Looking forward, we feel that cProject is going to help our company grow in the bid market.”
Kevin Singleton“This is a great resource for locating and tracking the projects in my area. The filter the program uses helps me pinpoint the jobs that are relevant to my business with ease.”
Jason Draughon“For my company, the most important aspect of cProject is that we know about the project FIRST. While other companies miss out on job opportunities simply because of lack of information, with cProject we have real time access to all project documents as well as the General Contractors and Subcontractors who will be bidding the job. We no longer waste time on sending proposals to companies that don’t plan on bidding. While we may not bid on every job opportunity that we receive, with cProject we will definitely know about it!”
Anthony R. Albert“As a concrete and aggregate material supplier, cProject has given my company a competitive advantage by giving me the ability to bid projects more effectively and efficiently. By receiving daily bid notifications that are relevant to my region, I can spend less time searching for projects and more time bidding and winning projects. Simply put, it just works!”
Zach Stiles
Have some more questions?
If we didn’t answer all of your questions, feel free to drop us a line anytime.